NABSAMRUDDHI caters to the financial requirements of the following broad market segments as under:
Corporate lending (Financial Institutions)
Corporate lending (Financial Institutions) to NBFC/ NBFC-MFI/ Section 8 Companies, Cooperative Societies, Societies registered under Societies Act
Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) registered as a Company under the Companies Act 1956, are rapidly emerging as an alternative to traditional banking. They are playing a significant role in transforming the Indian Financial System and exhibiting immense potential in reaching out to the underbanked by taking forward the Central Government’s agenda of Financial Inclusion.In line with its mandate, NABSAMRUDDHI Finance Limited provides long term finance to NBFCS and NBFC-MFIs for on lending to corporates, individuals, Producer Companies, Federations, Trusts, Societies/ Section 8 Companies, SHGs and JLGs, etc., for Off Farm Sector / Secondary Agricultural Activities.
Organisations registered as a trust, society and section 8 company borrow and on lend to individuals, Producer Companies, SHGs and JLGs, etc., for activities like microfinance, agro processing, Water Sanitation & Hygiene and other off farm activities. NABSAMRUDDHI Finance Limited extends financial assistance to these institutions.
Type of Loan | Term Loan |
Purpose | Onlending for Off farm Sector / Secondary Agricultural Activities. |
Eligibility Criteria |
Security |
Rate of Interest | Based on the average cost of funds plus transaction cost, tenor premium, risk premium (determined on the basis of rating/ grading as applicable) and appropriate business premium. |
Repayment Period | 18 months-7 years |
Processing fee | 0.50%- 1.00%of sanctioned Credit facility plus GST |

Corporate lending (Other than financial Institutions)
NABSAMRUDDHI Finance Limited extends finance to Private/ Public Limited Companies (other than NBFCs/ MFIs), for income generating activities.
Type of Loan | Term Loan, Working Capital, Composite Loan |
Purpose | For income generating activities |
Eligibility Criteria |
Quantum of Finance |
Margin | 15% |
Rate of Interest | Based on the average cost of funds plus transaction cost, tenor premium, risk premium (determined on the basis of rating/ grading as applicable) and appropriate business premium. |
Security |
Repayment Period | 3-5 years |
Processing fee | 0.50%- 1.00%of sanctioned Credit facility plus GST |

Lending to Producers Organisations (farm and off-farm sector)
Financing Producers Collectives has been one of the impact areas of NABSAMRUDDHI Finance Ltd. The members of Producers’ Organisations are producers like farmers, weavers, craftsmen, artisans and other individuals who may be specifically involved in farm as well as off farm sector activities like agriculture production, processing and marketing activities, handlooms, handicrafts artisan products and similar activities In keeping with the Company’s mandate and Corporate strategy, the Company extends financial assistance to eligible and viable POs and other Collectives in the farm and off farm sector space.
Type of Loan | Term Loan, Working Capital, Both |
Eligible Institutions |
Purpose |
Eligibility Criteria |
Quantum of Finance and margin | Maximum 85% of the total project cost subject to a maximum of up to 6 times of the Net Worth. |
Rate of Interest | Based on the weighted average cost of funds plus transaction cost, tenor premium, risk premium and appropriate business premium. |
Security |
Repayment Period | Term loan: Maximum 7 years including moratorium periodWorking Capital : Maximum 3 years including moratorium period |
Processing fee | 0.25% of loan amount plus applicable taxes |

Pooled Loan Issuance
A Pooled Loan Issuance (PLI) is a structured loan product in which the lender provides loans to multiple small and mid-sized clients, all these loans being backed by a common partial guarantee extended by body corporates. Under the PLI, the loan facility to multiple entities of either a single or multipleassetclassispooled. Guarantee support from single/ multiple Guarantor/s (having higher rating than the borrowers) results in a higher rating for the facility vis-à-vis standalone rating of the Borrowers, thereby increasing the lender acceptability.
This product is designed to assist NBFCs/ NBFC-MFIs that lend to vulnerable borrower segments in the current macroeconomic environment, by way of access to financing and liquidity. Under the PLI structure, NABSAMRUDDHI Finance Limited extends loan facility to more than one NBFC/ NBFC(MFI).

Investment in PTCs
Pass Through Certificates(PTCs) allow an investor to select specific assets from an underlying pool, on the basis of specific risk parameters.The Company has so farmade investments in four PTCs involving underlying pools of off farm loans of the NBFCs.

Reach out to for your Loan Requirements