NABARD Chairman launches NABSAMRUDDHI’s Climate Ready WASH Funding Programme at Sa-dhan National Conference on Inclusive Growth 2023
Shri Shaji K.V., Chairman, NABARD launched Nabsamruddhi’s Climate-Ready WASH Funding Program at the Sa-Dhan National Conference on Inclusive Growth in Delhi on 08 November 2023. The other dignitaries to grace the occasion were Shri Ravi Krishan Takkar, Chairman, NABSAMRUDDHI, Shri Jiji Mammen, ED & CEO, Sa-dhan and Shri Manoj Gulati, Regional Director, South Asia, Water.org.
Smt. Bonani Roychoudhury, Managing Director of Nabsamruddhi highlighted the role played by the company in championing WASH financing especially over the last 2 years, having disbursed over INR 250 Cr of WASH loans through 25 impact focused Financial Institutions, boosted by Special Concessional refinance from NABARD and technical support from Sa-dhan, Water.org among other stakeholders. Recognising the adverse impact of climate change on WASH, Nabsamruddhi has now realised the need to narrow its focus down to Climate Ready WASH lending. Based on insights generated through interactions with different stakeholders, the programme was launched through 3 MFI partners on a pilot mode, to finance climate-proof WASH in climate-vulnerable areas in Bihar and Rajasthan.Further, Nabsamruddhi took this opportunity to release its three brochures namely its corporate brochure covering the extensive gamut of its activities, Brochure on Nabsamruddhi’s Focus Segments and Nabsamruddhi in WASH lending, which were unveiled by the respective dignitaries.
The dignitaries were felicitated with a signed note of appreciation from Shri Rajendra Singh, “Waterman of India” for their commitment towards advancing sustainable water initiatives.
NABSAMRUDDHI, being a Co-Sponsor of the event hosted a booth that was vibrant and dynamic towards its goal of creating awareness for the WASH segment through extensive engagement with partners, quiz games and presentations.