NABSAMRUDDHI scaled new heights in FY24 !
NABSAMRUDDHI witnessed record breaking financial performance during FY24 with a 60% YoY growth in Balance sheet ad Assets under Management (AUM) to Rs. 1855 crore and Rs. 1804 crore respectively, while recording a 38% YoY growth in Profits after Taxes (PAT) to Rs. 48 crore. The asset quality of the company improved to its best ever, with GNPA as a percentage of loan outstanding reducing from 0.47% as on 31 March 2023 to 0.14% as on 31 March 2024.
NABSAMRUDDHI has also emerged in FY24 as India’s largest wholesale debt provider under WASH covering all sectors across the risk spectra, with a last mile reach. Cumulatively~Rs.350 crore of WASH loans have been disbursed through 32 partners, while disbursements during the year recording ~100% YoY growth. During the year, the company pioneered the pilot program on Climate Ready WASH Funding, supported by Special Concessional refinance from NABARD and technical support from knowledge partners such as Sa-dhan, Water.org, FINISH Mondial, among others. In recognition, it was awarded the Sa-Dhan Water.org ‘Water and Sanitation (WASH) Financing Award, 2023’, second time in a row. A MOU was also signed with Climate Policy Initiative during the year to take forward climate financing.